Tuesday, June 10, 2008

When Credit Card bills take over

Here is a quick story from todays Wall Street Journel. It seems there are support groups for everyone and anyone. It seems that there are quite a few support groups which cater to people having trouble controlling their credit card spending. One young lady joined a group called "Girls just want to have fun" a group out of Washington DC to try to get control of her spending. It turns out that part of her problem was a hungry boyfriend.

The Girls kicked into action, encouraging Ms. Greene to track her spending. While some of her income was going to pay down debt, including $14,500 in student loans, Ms. Greene realized she was also spending too much on extras, like her $400 Cole Haan boots and her hungry boyfriend, who she says would consume much of her food when he came over. "Things were particularly bad when it came to produce," she says. "He'd eat like four tangerines at once....Sometimes I'd cut up some watermelon, pineapple and strawberries. He'd eat a good 75% of that."

Can you guess what happened to the fruit loving boyfriend.....




Anonymous Anonymous said...

She dumped a guy for eating too much produce? Too bad she can't dump herself for blowing a good middle class salary on boots and a beemer. Sounds like her priorities are a bit out of whack...or maybe she's just whacked out and looking for scapegoats.

I know so many people like this. You should see the $#!t-eating grins on the faces of me and my wife when we hear people lament their credit card interest rates. We have no sympathy for those types. (We carry very little CC debt, when it isn't already paid off.) It's rediculous, really, that these grown-ups should need support groups.

But there it is. Whatever works. Vive l'Amerique!

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and OH MY GOD! Do you know how small tangerines are? Like, I could eat ten of those and have room for a bagel or something.

By the way, when are you moving to wordpress?... ;)

3:12 AM  

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